
This page is – and will be – a work in progress; as more beliefs are added and more details are provided.

Each belief will eventually have it’s own page; and will have verses/passages that support the belief.

If you have questions about any of the beliefs; or if there is a verse/passage/subject you are uncertain about, please send us a message via the website or contact us via the facebook page.

Basic Beliefs (again, I hope to eventually provide each with their own page)

… I believe in the Trinity … That God has expressed, revealed, and communicated with humanity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

… I believe Christians should be active church members
… I believe Christians should support their church
… I believe Christians should serve with/in their church
… I believe Christians should attend church services
… I believe Christians should be baptized
… I believe Christians should live holy lives
… I believe Christians should be prayer warriors
… I believe Christians should be students of the Bible
… I believe mankind has a Free Will
… I do not believe in Once Saved, Always Saved

… I am not KJV-only … It is OK to prefer one version over another (or the rest), but don’t tell me that other versions can’t lead someone to God and provide the path to salvation and holy living.  Scripture existed before 1611 … You don’t have to understand old English to be saved …

… I believe that (head/senior) pastors should only be men
… I believe that elders should only be men
… I believe that both men & women can be deacons
… I believe in Heaven (reward for faithful believers)
… I believe in Hell (punishment for non-believers)