Sermon – Beatitude #3 – Humble Inherit The Earth

  • This is the third week of our Beatitude study.  In the text I have this morning, Matthew 5:5 (NLT) reads as follows: “God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.”

  • An important thing to remember while reading and studying the Beatitudes, is that the main meaning focuses on “the end times” or the “coming of the Kingdom.”  While things could relate to events in the past, or even the present, we should always be looking forward to Jesus’ return.

  • In English translations, you’ll see that those who are blessed are called humble, meek, or gentle.

  • The Greek word used (“praus”) can mean any of the following: gentle – meek – kind – forgiving – mild – benevolent – humane – the positive moral quality of dealing with people in a kind manner, with humility and consideration.

  • Some want to understand this word as meaning weak or powerless.  If we are gentle or meek, that doesn’t mean we are weak; but rather we choose not to use brute force or manipulation. 

  • We must look at everything through a lens of faith.  It’s about trusting God to win the battle instead of trying to win on our own terms.  We should see this as “strength under control,” instead of “strength seeking control.”

  • Remember, Jesus likes to flip things around or change perspectives.  Many believe – then and now – that the strong, ambitious, dominant, rich are those who will own and control everything.

  • Many believe that it is what you do – what you work for – what you earn that matters and that is what dictates the future, both on earth and in eternity.

  • Jesus flipped it … He said the meek / gentle / kind – those you don’t think of dominating – would INHERIT … they would be given something they hadn’t worked for or earned or took over.

  • We are told that these people will inherit … The Greek word used (“kleronomeo”) can mean the following: to inherit – to acquire – to obtain – inheritance – transfer of property and possessions from one generation to another, usually within a family or clan and usually upon the death of the owner.  This word often has implication of a legitimate, historic right to the objects inherited.  In some contexts, this refers to salvation, an inheritance shared with Jesus Christ, the true heir.

  • We are told that these people will inherit the earth … The Greek word used (“ge”) can mean the following: earth – world – country – region – land – ground – soil – tract – territory – chosen land.

  • The original audience would have understood Jesus.  To the Jewish people, inheritance was important – names – land – honor – all that, and more, were passed down to the next generation.

  • The current generation didn’t do anything to earn what was given to them; but they had a responsibility to honor and cherish what was entrusted (or passed down) to them.  For someone to waste or squander their inheritance would have been a dark stain.
  • The meek are those who have humbled themselves before the Lord.  They are the ones who are trusting in the Lord’s strength and not their own.  They are trusting in what the Lord has done on their behalf; and nothing they can do or attempt to do. 

  • We would be wise to remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:1-5 (NLT) … (1) About that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”  (2) Jesus called a little child to Him and put the child among them.  (3) Then He said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.  (4) So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.  (5) And anyone who welcomes a little like this on My behalf is welcoming Me.

  • Children in this time were not considered special outside their home; and could be seen as a nuisance or hindrance in public.  Jesus, again, is wanting to change perspective and focus.  They

would not have wanted to become like a child … someone with no status … someone that was tolerated until they could contribute to society … until they came of age and be considered part of the covenant … they wouldn’t have wanted to swallow their pride and be like a child.

  • The disciples wanted to know who the greatest was; but Jesus warned them to just make sure they made it … by being humble as like a child … one who trusts … one who is receptive and teachable … one that is humble … one that focuses on now … one that has uninhibited joy and is pure.

  • Remember, there is nothing we can do to earn salvation; or to force or trick God to save us:
    • I could memorize all of Scripture; but that won’t save me.
    • I could be in the church house each day; but that won’t save me.
    • I could write a check a week, and perhaps large ones; but that won’t save me.
    • I could do good things every day or even all day; but that won’t save me.
    • I could pray all day, but without the right relationship with God, my words just hit the ceiling; and that won’t save me.

  • Yes, those are all important things; but they don’t save us … instead they come from being saved; and Ephesians 2:8-10 (NLT) reminds of us this … (8) God saved you by His grace when you believed.  And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.  (9) Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.  (10) For we are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.

  • You humble yourself by submitting to Jesus’ lordship over your life; and that begins by repenting of your sin; and then growing as you walk with Him.  You can’t have Jesus as Savior if you refuse to honor Him as Lord in every area of life.

  • To humble yourself means to give up your rights (that your old life demanded) for the responsibilities of the Kingdom … to be gentle, meek, kind, humane; and to treat others well, with respect, love, and honor … with seeing others as people made in His image.

  • Once everything is said and done, there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth … I plan on being there; and I hope you do as well; and I hope we do everything we can to share the Gospel so all our friends and loved ones have the opportunity to repent as well, serve Jesus, and inherit with us.