Sermon – Heaven – Prepared For Us

  • Last week we started a series on Heaven when we looked at those who would not inherit the Kingdom.  A sermon like that is presented in the hopes that those who are living that way will repent; and to spur believers on to share the Gospel so their loved ones will repent.

  • This morning we will continue looking at Heaven which is a prepared place for believers.

  • Isn’t it nice when something is made / bought / chosen specially for you?
    • Food – special birthday dinner – shower – reception
    • Clothes – wedding – interview
    • Gifts – birthday – Christmas – anniversary
    • ???

  • Heaven is made for believers – those who believe in Jesus – those who serve Him – those who are dedicated to Him … not the lukewarm … not the flakes … not the fringe … it is for those who deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow Him … those who do God’s will … the truly faithful.

  • (The verses were read earlier in the service – before the songs) … John 14:1-6 (NLT) … “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.[a] If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?[b] When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.” “No, we don’t know, Lord,” Thomas said. “We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the father except through me.

  • Jesus knew what was approaching – being betrayed – being denied – mock trials – being slandered – being whipped – being spit on – having his beard pulled out – having thorns pressed into his brow – the agony of the cross – having God the Father look away – death – time in the grave …

  • He also knew what was beyond – His resurrection and ascension.  He knows all of this and that is why He gives the apostles these words of comfort.  He knows He is leaving – for 3 days at first – and then after 40 additional days with them – He is gone until His 2nd Coming.

  • He tells the apostles that even though He is leaving, He won’t be gone forever – that He would return for them – that He was going to prepare a place for them – that what He was saying is true … and later in chapter 14, He promises the Holy Spirit, that would comfort, guide, and encourage.

  • Jesus starts off the passage by telling the apostles to not let their hearts be troubled.  The Greek word used (tarasso) can mean agitate – trouble – terrified – disturbed – confused – affect with grief – affect with anxiety. 

  • Jesus was telling them not to be negatively affected with the fact that He was leaving.  This was part of God’s plan; and they would all have things to do and if they were only focusing on grief and anxiety, they wouldn’t get anything done.  They had their views of what the Messiah was to be or what they hoped He would be … now they knew the truth and had to move on wholeheartedly.
  • He tells them that they should trust in Him since they trust in God.  The Greek word here (pisteuo) appears 241 times in the NT and can mean to believe – give credit to – commit to the charge or power of – put one’s faith in, trust, with an implication that actions based on that trust will follow.

  • Just like those we are reading, studying, and talking about on Wednesday evenings (Hebrews 11); a faithful believer then would act … worship … giving … praying … seeking to live a righteous life … offering the required sacrifices … going to synagogue and Temple … a faithful person’s life was based around their faith … they obeyed God in everything … He came 1st and received the best

  • Remember, Jesus and God are one in the same.  They are different in Person but are the same in essence, nature, power.  Jesus is adding what He has done and taught to what they should follow.

  • Then we get to the fun verse or the verse that is translated differently … that people – be it for fun or quite seriously like to debate … rooms or mansions … depending on your translation or what you were taught growing up impacts what you think and believe.

  • Just using the Greek (mone / monai / monen) which is only used twice in the NT – the translations for room or mansion can be correct.  In addition to those words, it can also mean an abode – a stay in any place – or a dwelling. 

  • In John 14:23, Jesus says that He and the Father would make their “dwelling” with those who love and obey Him.

  • Many teach and believe that a stand-alone mansion is waiting for them – and the size of the dwelling place can be debated since the new Heaven is 1,400 miles squared – but the first part of the verse would have to be ignored … “In My Father’s House”

  • This can lead to some wacky thinking and living with the focus on self.  When “I” get to heaven and get “my” mansion; and get rewarded for the things “I” have done.  It dangerous to think you are earning your way into heaven … this could lead to that … please don’t fall into that trap / trick.

  • Some equate worldly mansions and the solitude they provide to what will be in Heaven.  If we are thinking we’ll be alone in Heaven to just while away eternity, then we are wrong.  We won’t be alone and we’ll have work to do, while we worship … (but more on both in future messages).

  • We will not be living off by ourselves; but will be included in God’s daily life and the lives of His people for all of eternity.  We also shouldn’t wait until that time to experience it.  If we have no interest in God’s people now; or to have God in our own daily lives, then we need to change.

  • Jesus did say to store up treasures in heaven and where our treasure is, there our heart would be too.  Great rewards do await those who serve the Lord faithfully.  Various crowns are mentioned; and when Jesus returns, He will bring rewards with Him.

  • When we commit all, everything we are and have for the sake of the Cross and the Gospel, then we truly treasure Jesus.  Motivation is key in what we do, think, believe, teach, preach, and share.  When we live sacrificially for Jesus now, we will be rewarded later.
  • Rewards and riches will be nice … that’s just the truth; but we shouldn’t forget the bigger picture; that we will be with God – Father, Son, Spirit – for all eternity … we will have peace and joy forever … no pain, sickness, disease, or death … our work here should be focused on getting others to heaven, encouraging good deeds, and to make sure we get there (and more on that later as well).

  • In those days, families didn’t live apart as they do now.  Daughters married and lived with the family of the groom.  Sons took over or prepared to take over the family business / trade and when they married, a room (or more) were added to the house.  Over the course of time, some homes could have been quite large; and within this one house lived many families.

  • This imagery is what we should consider what Jesus is doing for us.  He is going to His Father’s house and is adding on – He is preparing for His return – when He collects the Church (or His Bride) to take back home … then the celebration of the wedding feast and eternity will begin.

  • Again, Jesus is telling the apostles to trust and believe – to be comforted.  He says He is leaving to prepare a place for them and then will come back, so they would be with Him.  He says they know the way to where He is going, but Thomas says they don’t.  I wonder if this was a “ahh” (eye-roll) moment – but do we give Jesus a reason to do that too?  Jesus answers Thomas by saying He is the way, truth, and life; and that nobody gets to the Father except through Him.

  • “hodos” … way – road – approach – entrance – journey – course – means of access – doctrine

  • “aletheia” … truth – love of truth, sincerity – divine truth revealed to man – practice in accordance with Gospel truth.

  • “zoe” … life – living existence – source of spiritual life – final life of the redeemed – the spiritual life of deliverance from the proper penalty of sin

  • Various sources say there are as many as 4,300 religions in the world: with 12 major religions (Baha’I – Buddhism – Christianity – Confucianism – Hinduism – Islam – Jainism – Judaism – Shinto – Sikhism – Taoism – Zoroastrianism) making up over 80% of the world’s population.  Nearly 1/3 of the world claims to be Christian (of some sort) – but how many are truly faithful? … even if they all are, that still leaves a larger share that doesn’t claim Christ, believe in Him, or obey Him.

  • Some teach that all make it to heaven … some don’t believe in heaven at all … some teach that works get you there … some believe in reincarnation … some teach you can become a god … some think God just picks and chooses who He wants and the rest are lost … but what did Jesus teach!

  • Remember, the different roads to eternity.  The one to Hell is broad and the one to Heaven is narrow.  You choose which one to walk down – you do that by what you believe and how you live.

  • Jesus is alive and is sitting at the Father’s right hand until He returns to gather His Bride – the Church.  You are part of the Church by your faith in Christ.  We do not know when Jesus will return or when our time is over; so, we must be ready, always.  We must be ready to spend eternity with Him, in Heaven, in the home He has prepared for us.  While you journey; be faithful, be honest about your relationship with God and others, and how you serve and why … be prepared, always!