Sermon – Heaven – What’s Missing?

  • We are in week three of our Heaven Series.  Two weeks ago, we looked at those (lifestyles/actions) that would not inherit the Kingdom; and last week we looked at Heaven being a place prepared.
  • To talk about what Heaven will be like, we must look at the positives – what will be there, what we will do, who will be there … AND … we must look at the negatives – what won’t be there.

  • We are trying to describe something that is beyond our understanding – we don’t have all the details – we are trying to figure things out from an assortment of verses and to combat things that are taught without scriptural support.  We are also comparing a place that is perfect to our current world, which is fallen … we long to be with our Holy God, while living and working in a sinful world. 

  • We will look at two passages today (Matthew 6:19-21 / Revelation 21:4) and discuss some negative earthly things that won’t be in Heaven; and if you like alliteration … disease, destruction, division, departing, death … sickness, sorrow, separation, sin … tears, trials, temptations, tragedies

  • Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT) … “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.  (20) Store up treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.  (21) Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be also.”
  • Jesus connects the desires of our hearts with where our treasures are stored.  If we are more focused on the things of earth, then that is where our rewards will be.  If we are more focused on heavenly things, then that is where our rewards will be. 

  • Even though the world is in the shape it is, there are still a lot of things to be enjoyed, cherished, and treasured.  We have families, friends, hobbies, jobs, games, traveling, food, shows, movies … a myriad of things to enjoy, spend time and money on; but those things should never be #1.

  • Jesus is the One who should be cherished and honored above all else.  Who He is, what He taught, what He did; and our faith and service to Him (and others) should be #1 in our daily lives.

  • Yes, there are many things to enjoy in this life; but what Jesus said should resonate with us all.  If we value earthly things above all else, then we risk losing everything.  Those things can be destroyed or stolen – according to the verse; and we know the other risks of having items that are costly – be it in dollars or sentimental value.  Valuing things over God can cause us to be greedy or covetous – we’ll just like for ourselves and won’t care about the plight of anyone else.

  • Earthly things can be lost, stolen, destroyed in various ways, or just replaced when you think something better comes along.  How many have old devices laying around or cords to things they no longer use or even own? … Sadly, people do that with relationships too.

  • There is no greater relationship a person can have than with Jesus Christ; and no safer place to store treasures, than in Heaven. 

  • Are we focusing on the temporary or the eternal?  Are we using our time, talents, and treasures in building the Kingdom which will last forever, or are we building in vain for things that won’t last?

  • Stealing and destruction won’t exist in Heaven – those two negative things will no longer exist for those in the Kingdom.  We won’t have to worry about the things we’ve worked for or been given – they won’t break down – they won’t run out – they won’t be stolen – they’ll exist forever.

  • Revelation 21:4 (NLT) … He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.  All these things are gone forever.

  • We are told that all tears will be wiped away and we won’t have to deal with death, sorrow, crying, or pain anymore.  Digging deeper can help us understand just how grand Heaven will be:

  • The Greek word (thanatos) that is used here and most translations just say “death”, but it can also mean any extinction of life either naturally or violently – the danger of death – spiritual death.

  • Unless we are raptured out of this world, death is something that we will all face; and sadly, we’ve all experienced the passing of loved ones … this is something that Heaven removes. 

  • Once we get to Heaven we will no longer have to deal with death because we will live forever – we will be with God forever; and with all the saints throughout history – and hopefully with our friends and family as well … (again, we must do our part in making sure they make it … don’t give up!)

  • Death might be easier to handle if everyone was able to live as long as possible; and pass peacefully, at home, with friends and family nearby; but we know that isn’t the case.

  • In this word, there are many things that cut life short … accidents, disease, violence; and those things too will have no place in Heaven.

  • Since Jesus defeated sin and the grave, believers should not be concerned about it because we know where we are going.  Also, all the saints should not be worried about spiritual death, since we’ve been made alive; nor should they worry about the second death – which is Hell.

  • We’ll skip to the last word on the list; and then go back to the middle two which are linked.  The Greek word (ponos) can mean pain, but also labor, travail, misery, and anguish. 

  • Generally, you can think of these words as going through a hardship – working hard to provide – as surviving and making it through an injury or surgery.  Anything that is a struggle – anything that doesn’t come easily – anything that is tiresome or burdensome or painful can be placed here.

  • There are many things in this world that cause pain, misery, and anguish; but they won’t exist in Heaven.  We won’t have to contend with wars, death, disease, division, borders, unscrupulous leaders, being tired, being hungry, being alone, being abandoned … anything that is a burden.

  • Labor and travail are also possible meanings – travail is a painful or laborious effort – labor is hard (physical) work.  Think back to Genesis, both before and after The Fall (into sin). 
  • In Genesis 2:15, Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden by GOD to tend and watch over it.  With what is said later in Genesis 3:17-19 makes it seem like this “work” was easy at least in comparison.  Before the Fall there wasn’t thorns and thistles and man didn’t have to sweat to obtain food.

  • While we will have work to do in Heaven – and more on that in a later message – it will not be troublesome or burdensome work.  And whatever we do now, for the Lord, for the church, in sharing the Gospel, in inviting people to gather with us should not be seen as such either. 

  • The last two things we’ll talk about can be linked … “penthos” means mourning – sorrow – sadness – grief … AND “krauge” means a cry – outcry – clamor – shouting – a cry of sorrow – wailing – lamentation – a cry for help – earnest supplication.

  • The things that make us sad are often the things we may shout about or seek to help others in … some examples are people that are abused or homelessness or abortion … anything that would cause us to seek God’s help or to have laws/policies changed or enacted.

  • Mental states, psyches, and emotional well-being are big deals.  In Heaven the things that make us sad, grieve, or depressed won’t be there to bother or intimidate us.  There are some things that can take a long time to get over; if we ever truly get over them; but with God and being with Him forever those things won’t exist and won’t matter.

  • There are varying stages of grief and different levels of sadness.  There are things that impact people; and those feelings can last a long time or show up unexpectedly.  We generally think of losing a loved one to be a valid reason for grief – or even a pet or family heirloom. 

  • It also hurts to be abused – neglected – not someone’s first choice – always being picked last – not chosen to be with or around – not invited to the party – not hired for a job – not being selected to be on the team – (and the list could go on and on … we’ve all experienced hurt at some point)

  • But things are different with God.  He chose, wants, loves, cares about, cherishes, and wants the best for you.  The wonderful thing about Him is that you don’t have to wait to get to Heaven to experience a relationship with Him.  Each day, as a believer, you have the opportunity to talk to Him, love Him, serve Him, and hear from Him … you can have a taste or glimpse of eternity now!

  • Challenge To All Believers & “good” Churches … Why do (some) people seek out gangs, cults, or destructive relationships?  They want to be loved, accepted, and included.  Since God wants all people to repent, be saved, and to be with Him for all eternity, shouldn’t we want the same? 

  • We should reach out to the last so they can be first.  We should reach out to weak so they can be strong.  We should do all we can to meet the needs of our community; and let them know that they are loved, wanted, cared for; and they can be included in everything we do. 

  • Heaven is a place of life, light, and love.  Anything negative, hurtful, or sinful will not be there.  We can know God and experience Him today – saved people are already citizens of Heaven.

  • There will be people and items missing from Heaven … don’t be one of them.