Sermon – Heaven – Who Doesn’t Get In

  • As mentioned last week, we are going to start a series on Heaven.  Some topics I hope we discuss include but aren’t necessarily limited to who gets in; who is not permitted to enter; what heaven looks like; where heaven is; who is there now; when do we get there; and what we will do there.

  • This morning, we will look at a very important passage – 1st Corinthians 6:9-11.  In this passage, Paul is telling the Church in Corinth that people who live certain lifestyles or who habitually commit these sins – without repenting, of course – will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

  • Contrary to popular opinion – lies from the devil – what you’ll see in media … not everyone will get into heaven.  Just because someone thinks they are “good” enough; or that their “good” deeds outweigh their bad; or even because they go to church, tithe/give, and are even a member doesn’t guarantee them entry into Heaven.

  • Matthew 7:13b (NLT) says, “The highway to hell (destruction) is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 

  • Sin is a choice … it isn’t just a disease or condition or syndrome or an addiction … it is something that is to be repented of and rejected … it isn’t something that just needs therapy or medicine … (although certain conditions / predispositions may make it harder to say no – nobody gets a free pass to sin or live however they want … God is holy and we are called to be holy as well)

  • Throughout Scripture there are a few lists of behaviors, actions, or lifestyles – that unless repented of – will disqualify a person from Heaven – that will ban them – that will send them to Hell.  You cannot be a Christian – you cannot be dedicated to Christ; and lead lives such as these. 

  • You cannot identify as a sinner and a Christian at the same time.  You cannot be a (insert sin here) Christian … When we go through our passage this morning, you’ll see what I mean … When each sin is discussed – (and not sins will be touched this morning) – just put Christian after that and you’ll see that it doesn’t make any sense.

  • Read 1st Corinthians 6:9-11

  • The list of sinful lifestyles or behaviors that are in this passage does not include every sin that is out there; but it does cover a good number of them.  Similar lists are found in Revelation 21:8 and 21:27; Galatians 5:19-21; and Ephesians 5:3-7. 

  • Paul begins this passage by saying certain people will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  The Greek word (“adikos”) used here can mean unjust; unrighteous; iniquitous; vicious; deceitful; fallacious.

  • Unrighteous and unjust seem to be the most prevalent choices in English translations; with some versions using wicked, wrongdoers, sinful, or evil to describe their actions and motives.

  • Right after that he gives a warning.  The Greek word (planao) used here can mean to lead astray; cause to wander; to be deceived; or to be seduced from the path of virtue or to sin or transgress.
  • The ESV / HCSB / KJV / NASB / NIV / NRSV / say do not be deceived … the NLT says don’t fool yourselves … we are not to think that these actions and lifestyles are acceptable to God or that they are not sinful … we are not to be seduced by sinful desires or by those who commit these actions or who live this way … we are not to join them in sin … we are not to celebrate or promote their sins.

  • 1st John 2:16 (NLT) “The world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions.  These are not from the Father but are from this world.”  In the KJV, this is the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

  • We are not to be seduced by the world; be it athletes, politicians, social media, TV, movies, news … they glamorize sin and portray it as normal; and if you disagree, you are labeled as a bigot or some sort of “phobe” … many of these actions are legal; but that doesn’t make them any less sinful.

  • Many of these sins fall into different categories; and it might be easier to deal with them that way:

  • One is a religious sin (idolatry) … Greek “eidololatres” … idolater – one who worships idols

  • These are people who worship a false god or have a false religion.  They might even act moral, but don’t serve the One True God.  Idolatry is listed in the other passages that were mentioned earlier.

  • Anything you put in front of or in place of God is an idol.  If you claim to love and follow Him; but don’t have Him as first in your life, then you would be a liar (which is also a sin).  Our life should be built around God, with Him at the center … He should get the first, most, and best of our lives; not the leftovers, not when it is convenient, not when we have nothing else to do … our personal and public lives should express our faith and commitment … if it isn’t 24/7, then it isn’t real.
  • One is a verbal sin; and that would be those who use their words (or voice or power or persuasion) to abuse; slander; insult; ridicule; or separate others.  They are verbally abusive and say things that are hurtful and hateful … Greek “loidoros” … reviling … railing … slanderer … verbal abuser

  • Have you watched the news or been on social media lately?  How many are put down?  How many are made fun of?  How many are insulted?  How many talking heads (or even leaders) are sowing dissension and division?  How many have no tolerance for an opposing viewpoint?

  • Many wouldn’t think of committing sexual sin or stealing or being greedy or getting drunk or killing or not coming to church and giving and serving; but how many use their words in inappropriate ways?  In the other lists, dissension and division and saying falsehoods are also warned against. 
  • Ephesians 4:29 (NLT) says, “Don’t use foul or abusive language.  Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
  • One is a sin of consumption and that would be drunkenness … Greek “methusos” … a drunkard … related to “methe” … drunkenness … strong drink … an indulgence in drinking
  • These are people who want to consume alcohol to get drunk; and perhaps just to see how much it would take.  Many seek to escape this world; to ignore the truth; or just be numb through drinking.
  • How many commercials, movies, or TV shows glamorize drinking or make it appear to be the normal thing or what you need to be doing at a party or a ballgame or when you get home?
  • Ephesians 5:18 (NLT), says, “Don’t be drunk with wine, because it will ruin your life.  Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • As humans, we make enough bad decisions while sober; and we don’t need to be inebriated, have our senses dulled and make choices that could negatively impact our lives and the lives of others.
  • Three in the list are financial sins.  The NLT calls them thieves, greedy, and cheats.  Other versions say extortioners, swindlers, robbers, covetous; in addition to the above.  The Greek words used are:

  • “kleptes” … thief

  • “pleonektes” … a greedy person … one who has, or claims to have more than his share … a covetous, avaricious person … one who defrauds for the sake of gain

  • “harpax” … swindling … robbing … (destructively) ferocious … ravenous … an extortioner

  • These are people that will do whatever it takes – legal or not – to obtain what they desire.  They don’t care if they lie, cheat, steal, scam, or extort.  They want it more than they want others to have it; and they don’t care if they take it from you in order for them to have more.

  • 1st Timothy 6:10 (NLT) – “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.  And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

  • Desiring money above all else could lead to horrible outcomes.  If you gamble your money away, you could be left with nothing.  If you resort to stealing, you could spend years in prison.  Being greedy could cause you to not be charitable and refuse to give to others or support your church.

  • The remaining sins deal with sexual immorality and sums it up; and the Greek words used are:

  • “pornos” … sexually immoral … fornicator … impure person … catamite

  • “moichos” … an adulterer

  • “malakos” … fine … soft … delicate … effeminate … an instrument of unnatural lust … male prostitute … passive sex partner in a homosexual couple

  • “arsenokoites” … one engaging in homosexual acts (likely referring to the active male partner) … sexual deviant … a sodomite … pedarest

  • “Sex sales!”  Isn’t that the old adage?  If you want attention for your product, service, movie, or show just show some skin; and now, more and more is exposed.  How many shows, movies, or books have sex as one of if the not the main theme?  Losing virginity?  Sex before marriage?  Affairs?  Pornography?  Alternate lifestyles?  Multiple partners? Targeting younger kids?
  • The world wants you to not only accept sexual sin, but to experiment, celebrate and promote it.  Sexual sins target everyone … male / female … young / old … married / single … However, the Bible is clear that all sexual sin is wrong; and the only approved place for sex is withing the confines of a committed, heterosexual marriage.

  • Genesis 2:24 (NLT) … This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.

  • 1st Corinthians 6:15-16 (NLT) … Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ?  Should a man take his body, which is part of Christ, and join it to a prostitute?  Never!  (16) And don’t you realize that if a man joins himself with a prostitute, he becomes one body with her?  For the Scriptures say, “The two are united into one.”

  • Hebrews 13:4 (NLT) … Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage.  God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.

  • Matthew 5:28 (NLT) … Anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 

  • Fornication, adultery, homosexuality, prostitution, and pornography are all sinful … and everyone who commits sin – be it alone or with someone else – has something to repent of.

  • Scripture also speaks about genders and gender roles; and for the sake of time we won’t go into a large detail about it, we may have a sermon on that in the future or even a Bible study.

  • However, I will say this … God has expectations, even if the world doesn’t agree with them.  The world wants you to think there are no differences between men and women … that how you live and dress doesn’t matter … that “traditional” roles and responsibilities have no place in “modern” society … and again, if you disagree you are backwards, outdated, and a phobe.

  • We’ve covered quite a bit this morning; and some of you might be wondering why a sermon on this was needed at all.  It was given for a few reasons … (1) to remind us that sin is prevalent in the world; and we must be cautious and resist temptation … (2) to remind us what we were saved from – either being saved from that life or if we were saved young, what we avoided … (3) that we have friends and family that live this way; and if they don’t repent then they are heading to Hell. 

  • Jesus said in John 3:3 and 16 (NLT) … I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God … For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

  • Nonbelievers … you’ve heard the truth today … unrepentant sin will send you to Hell … only Jesus can provide salvation … you must make the choice on who or what you serve … choose wisely!

  • Believers, stand your ground and hold true to your faith in Jesus Christ … resist sin and temptation … serve God and others … share the Gospel and your testimony … lead others to the truth in what you say and do … don’t be the stumbling block … show them how to get to God and Heaven.