Sermon – Jesus Sends Out The 72

  • Opening Question … Have you ever had to walk away from a person, organization, business, etc. because they would not listen to the truth you shared and/or would not change their ways?

  • In our passage today – Luke 10:1-20 – many disciples of Jesus may have had to do just that.  Similar accounts exist in Matthew 10, Mark 6, and Luke 9 where Jesus sends out just the twelve apostles.

  • Luke 10:1-20 (NLT) … The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places He planned to visit.  (2) These were His instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.  So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.  (3) Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves.  (4) Don’t take any money with you, nor a traveler’s bag, nor an extra pair of sandals.  And don’t stop to greet anyone on the road.  (5) Whenever you enter someone’s home, first say, ‘May God’s peace be on this house.’  (6) If those who live there are peaceful, the blessing will stand; if they are not, the blessing will return to you.  (7) Don’t move around from home to home.  Stay in one place, eating and drinking what they provide.  Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve their pay.  (8) If you enter a town and it welcomes you, eat whatever is set before you.  (9) Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’  (10) But if a town refuses to welcome you, go out into its streets and say, (11) ‘We wipe even the dust of your town from our feet to show that we have abandoned you to your fate.  And know this – the Kingdom of God is near!’  (12) I assure you, even wicked Sodom will be better off than such a town on judgment day.  (13) What sorrow awaits you, Korazin and Bethsaida!  For if the miracles I did in you had been done in wicked Tyre and Sidon, their people would have repented of their sins long ago, clothing themselves in burlap and throwing ashes on their heads to show their remorse.  (14) Yes, Tyre and Sidon will be better off on judgment day than you.  (15) And you people of Capernaum, will you be honored in heaven?  No, you will go down to the place of the dead.”  (16) Then He said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me.  And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me.  And anyone who rejects Me is rejecting God, who sent Me.”  (17) When the seventy-two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to Him, “Lord, even the demons obey us when we use Your Name!”  (18) “Yes,” He told them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning!  (19) Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them.  Nothing will injure you.  (20) But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.”

  • Verse 1 … Jesus chose 72 disciples (or 70 based on translation) to go ahead of Him, in pairs, to the towns He planned to visit.  These disciples were not unique in their qualifications.  They were not better educated, more capable, or of higher status than other followers.  What prepared them for this mission was that they had been equipped with Jesus’ power and a vision to reach people.

  • Verse 1 … There are lists of names of who these disciples were … Bishop Solomon in the 13thcentury; and Hippolytus (170-235 AD), who was taught by Irenaeus, who was taught by Polycarp, who was taught by John the Beloved, each compiled a list; and if accurate, familiar names appear.

  • Verse 1 … Jesus (the King) sent out emissaries ahead so people would be aware of His arrival – we too, know about Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and return; and must make others aware as well.
  • Verse 1 … It is important to dedicate our skills to God’s Kingdom, but we must also be equipped with His power and have a clear vision of what He wants us to do.

  • Verse 2 … Christian service has no unemployment or retirement.  If we are alive, then we have a purpose and a mission.  There are people to reach with the Gospel.  How many “lost” people do you know?  How many have ignored our invitations to be here this morning?  How many refuse to listen to the truth?

  • Verse 2 … we know the harvest is great and that workers are few, be it here or in any other church … church parking lots, be it this morning or during evening meetings, are far from full … On my way here – especially during season – I pass many churches, ballfields, and bars; and you can guess which ones have more people … the bars and ballfields are overflowing; and the churches empty.

  • Verse 2 … not only are we to work; but we are to pray for more workers – more helpers … we must be willing to work; and also be prayer warriors … what can you do to spread the Gospel? … who can you witness to? … how can you use your gifts? … who can join us in working for God’s Kingdom?

  • Verse 3 … Jesus sent these disciples out as lambs among wolves; and the same was said to the Twelve in Matthew 10:16 … we are strangers in this world – we no longer belong to it.

  • Verse 3 … In this world we will face opposition, criticism, and persecution … We must be alert and to face our enemies with love and gentleness; not with aggression and “bible thumping.”  It is dangerous to go into “enemy” territory; and those missions require sincere commitment.

  • Verse 3 … we must also remember who we are working for … we are bringing in a harvest for God … we aren’t to make a name for ourselves; but always pointing people to Him.

  • Verse 4 … they were told to take nothing with them – no money – no bag – not a change of sandals (and in similar accounts the twelve were told not to take a walking stick or change of clothes) … these people were to rely on God, not their own resources.

  • Verse 4 … they were even told to not stop along the way and talk to others … they were to be solely focused on the task at hand; and not be distracted by anything … I’m sure we all know that even small things – even things that appear harmless can sidetrack us a lot longer than we ever want or thought they would … (one notification from your phone or computer proves that all too often)

  • Verses 5-6 …  when you enter a home – presumably to teach them or stay there – offer a blessing … and if those who live there are accommodating – are peaceful – then the blessing stays; and if they are not, the blessing leaves.

  • Verses 5-6 … all throughout Scripture there are accounts of people blessing (or cursing) others; so, this isn’t to be taken lightly …

  • Verse 7 … by staying in one place, this prevented families in the same town from competing against each other to host the disciples; and prevented anyone from thinking they were not “good enough” to host Christ’s ambassadors … by limiting offense, people would be more willing to listen to Jesus.
  • Verse 7 … whomever took care of these disciples were to be honored by staying … the disciples were not to look for “better” conditions or “nicer” amenities or “fancier” food … if their needs were taken care of, then that was enough … they could settle down and focus on their tasks.
  • Verse 7 … Jesus told the disciples to accept hospitality graciously because their work entitled them to it … a worker is worth his pay; and this is one of the verses; along with 1st Corinthians 9 and 1st Timothy 5:17 about paying ministers – providing for their needs.
  • Verses 8-9 … The disciples were not to be picky – again, not jumping from house to house or table to table … they were to eat what was placed before them – to accept hospitality and heal the sick.  By eating with people (fellowship) and healing, they would be more open to listen to the Gospel.
  • Verses 8-9 … Even today, non-believers are more likely to listen to our testimony and about the Gospel if we can be friends first and/or meet a physical need … many will just put up walls if jump right into “bible thumping” without getting to know them first …
  • Verses 10-11 … If a town didn’t want them there … If a group of people didn’t want to listen to their message, then the disciples were to leave, wipe off the dust of the town from their feet, and abandon them to their fate … and tell them again that the Kingdom is near!

    Verses 10-11 … might seem harsh, but that is what is written and what was said by Jesus.  When we share the Gospel; people have the opportunity to respond – perhaps even just one time; but what they do with Jesus determines how they live and where they’ll spend eternity.

    Verses 10-11 … elsewhere, Jesus mentioned not to give to dogs what is holy … not to cast your pearls before swine … that if someone isn’t with you, then they are against you … we only have so much time and resources; and eventually you have to decide where to spend those and not beat your head against a brick wall … (when to do that might not be easily decided or easy to do – you want people to accept and believe the correct things, but if they want to refuse, it’s their choice).

    Verses 10-11 … reading through Acts, you’ll find that when Paul traveled, some towns accepted him, others rejected him, and some had mixed reactions …

    Verses 12-15 … Jesus says that the evil / wicked / pagan towns of the OT would have repented if they heard the Gospel … that those towns would be better off on judgment day (hyperbole possibly as all evil will be punished and none will escape – or perhaps different levels of punishment exist) …

    Verses 12-15 … People have no excuse when they hear the Gospel and are introduced to Jesus … we are to be faithful in sharing the Gospel; but we can’t force anyone to accept it or agree with us.

    Verses 12-15 … It’s interesting that Capernaum is included with those who would be judged for rejecting Jesus.  That town was Jesus’ base of operations; and was located at an important crossroads used by traders and the Roman army – so messages could easily travel.  Many there didn’t understand Jesus’ miracles or teachings; and didn’t believe in Him or follow Him; and we should take that as a warning too … just because we belong to a church and could be close to other believers – we must make sure we have a strong personal faith in Christ, or we’re doomed.
    Verse 16 … don’t forget this important truth … if anyone accepts your message, they are accepting Jesus; but if they reject your message, they are actually rejecting God the Father and Jesus the Son.

    Verse 16 … we can’t take it personally, but must remember if they hate us, it’s because the world hates Jesus … John 15:18 (and corresponding passage) makes that clear.

    Verse 17 … when the disciples returned from ministering, they were joyous.  How many of us are joyous that we have opportunities to serve the Lord?  Do we relish or ignore these opportunities?  Are we even excited that we can come to church?  By the numbers of some congregations, services, studies, meetings, outreach events, singings, etc. it would appear we are not.

    Verse 18 … Jesus was agreeing that His name has power; and He reminded the disciples that He saw Satan fall from heaven … this can also be looked at as a warning to not be proud at what we accomplish – IN JESUS’ NAME – remember, it is His power and we are doing His work … we are doing things for Him and to build His Kingdom … it is NOT about us regardless of our achievements.

    Verse 19 … If Jesus gives someone authority to do anything, then they can do it … some take this verse to apply to them; and sadly, many have been injured or killed because they tried to handle snakes or drink poisons … Paul didn’t die or swell up when bit by a snake in Acts 28 … The longer ending of Mark 16 (a version of the Great Commission) says miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: cast out demons in Jesus’ name – speak in tongues – handle snakes – can drink poisons and not be hurt – can heal the sick by laying on of hands.

    Verse 19 … we don’t need to tempt God to save us; or to tell someone not to seek medical attention because we can heal them … however, we don’t need to allow fear to stop us from reaching out, serving, giving, helping, praying, or even coming to services, bible studies, and other meetings of the church … we must trust God 100% and allow Him to work through us!

     Verse 20 … Jesus shared their enthusiasm and joy of their victories; but wanted to make sure their priorities and focused remain on what it should.

    Verse 20 … even if we can drive out demons, heal, speak in tongues, or perform a variety of signs and miracles; that shouldn’t be what we focus on; or risk getting the big head or gloat about.

    Verse 20 … we should rejoice that are names are written in Heaven – in the Lamb’s Book of Life.Revelation 3:5 – the victorious wear white and are never erased from the book of life.
    Revelation 13:8 – those who worship the beast don’t appear in the book of life.
    Revelation 20:12 – books are opened, and the dead are judged
    Revelation 21:27 – only those who are written in the book of life enter Heaven’s gates.
    Philippians 4:3 – Paul’s fellow workers are written in it

    In closing, we ALL have work to do … we ALL have prayers to lift up … we ALL know people that need to hear the Gospel (and accept it) or they’ll spend eternity in Hell … we ALL have the opportunity to go, give, serve, share the Gospel, invite, if God equips to do miracles, and to also be an even more active presence in the local church … will you be faithful? … will you trust in Jesus’ name? … will you bring in the harvest?