Sermon – Matthew 18 – Greatest In The Kingdom (kids)

  • 3 – Matthew 18:1-2 … About that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”  Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them.

  • 4 – Matthew 18:3 … Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

  • 5 – Matthew 18:4-5 … So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.   And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.

  • 6 – Matthew 18:6 … But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

  • 7 – This question was asked in Mark 9 as well; and the disciples really wanted to know who was the greatest – perhaps even one of them.  If their mindset was that Jesus was going to establish the Kingdom “soon” on earth, then they might get to lead or serve with Him.  And besides that, James and John asked to sit beside Jesus when He came into His Kingdom …

  • 8 – The answer Jesus gives, however didn’t tell the disciples if any of them were the greatest or among the greatest; and how Jesus answered was also shocking or at least unusual.  Jesus called a little child and had the child stand among the disciples.  This was an object lesson for the disciples. 

  • 9 – In Matthew 19, Mark 10, and Luke 18, a story is found about parents bringing their children to Jesus for Him to touch them and bless them.  The disciples didn’t like they were bothering Jesus and told them to stop.  Jesus rebuked the disciples and told them that if anyone didn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child would never enter it.

  • 10 – Children in this time were not considered special outside their home and could be seen as nuisance or hindrance in public.  So, Jesus placing a child in their midst and then talking about the child could be a major deal.

  • 11 – Jesus tells the disciples – who had been traveling with him for nearly 3 – that unless they repent (turn from their sins) and become like little children, they wouldn’t even make it into the Kingdom.
  • 12 – The thing we should focus on is making it into the Kingdom, not who is the greatest or best or most accomplished.

  • 13 – Jesus commanded that if anyone wants to enter the Kingdom they must become like a little child, but how do we do that or what does that mean?

  • 14 – The Greek word used here is “strepho” and means to twist; to turn; to make a change of substance; to change; to change or turn one’s course of dealing; to turn one’s self about; to turn back; to change one’s direction; to turn elsewhere; to change one’s course of principle and conduct; to be converted.

  • 15 – This is being converted … This is being changed from someone who is living a life of unrepentant sin to someone that lives by the Spirit … From being a sinner to a saint …

  • 16 – That seems to be the easy part to understand … to know that you are a sinner, that you need a Savior and need to change … but what does it mean to become like a child?

  • 17 – To become like a child had negative connotations to many people and still can today … children had no status in society – they were merely tolerated until they could contribute … they were dependent on others for support and protection … children in Jewish society weren’t even considered a part of the covenant until they reached adulthood.

  • 18 – People would not have wanted to swallow their pride and become like a child – that would have been too much.

  • 19 – There are however positive qualities of being child-like … Complete Trust … Receptive and Teachable … Humble … Focuses on the now … Uninhibited joy … Purity

  • 20 – Complete Trust … just like children are dependent on their parents for food, shelter, safety, help making it through life, and learning new things … we must be totally dependent on God to provide for us, to keep us safe, and to show us how to live.

  • 21 – Receptive and Teachable … kids want to learn and want to be taught … kids have an easier time of learning – especially the arts … we need to be open to learning …

  • 22 – Humble … most kids know they are not #1/best/greatest/experienced/etc. … and most are down to earth … pride can be more of an adult thing – we are the best – we know it all – we are set in our ways – our way is #1 or the only way … we don’t want to be under another’s authority or give in … and being an American can exacerbate this …

  • 23 – Focus on the Now … kids are focused on now … adults are usually focused on the future … kids want to know what they are doing now or what they can do now … adults – while some things about the future need to be planned for, can get too distracted with things they want and not what they could be doing for the Lord.
  • 24 – Uninhibited Joy … kids can be joyful while the world is falling around them … adults, not so much … kids can find joy in simple things, while adults want the newest or best or the most … (not that kids don’t, but you get my point, right?) … kids will dance to silly songs and not care what people think … how many adults will do that?

  • 25 – Purity … kids are untainted and untroubled by the world … they do what they do – and like to see the good in things and they have to be taught otherwise – they have to be taught to hate … Matthew 5:8 says the pure in heart are blessed and they will see God … we must be pure to see God – to get to Heaven …

  • 26 – Jesus doesn’t say that you must become like Him or to be as humble as Him – and He very well could because He is the perfect example … He says to be humble as a child.  Again, the adults would not want to give up their name and power and security as adults, but they must if they want Heaven.

  • 27 – But Jesus’ teaching does not end there … He goes on to say that whoever welcomes a child in His name or on His behalf is actually welcoming Him …

  • 28 – So, when we welcome children here … for Sunday School … for Children’s Church … for VBS … and for the upcoming kids study during the evenings on Sunday and Wednesday, we are through them, welcoming Jesus; and which of us want to refuse Jesus to join us?

  • 29 -But again, Jesus doesn’t end there … He could have … He could have just said to welcome children and to be like them, but He doesn’t … He gives another command which also transitions into the next part of the passage (but we will save that for another time) …

  • 30 – Jesus says to not cause any of the little ones – that believe in Him – to sin  … and if they do, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and drowned in the depths of the sea (or far out at sea) …

  • 31 – The warning is there for us – don’t cause a little one to sin – don’t introduce sin to their lives – don’t encourage them to sin – when they do sinful things, you are to correct them … otherwise, the punishment is severe!!!

  • 32 – Closing Challenge / Word of Encouragement … If you are not saved … If you have not been converted … If you have not accepted Jesus like a little child, then do so today … Repent of your sins and call on the name of the Jesus

  • 33 – If you are not fully trusting God, like a child trusts their parents for everything, then give everything up to God today … make Him LORD of 100% of your life …

  • 34 – Invite, Welcome, Serve, … we must get kids here (and their families) if this church is to grow and survive … do whatever it takes to get them here … constantly invite until they show … bring them yourselves … and when they arrive; we are to love, serve, and teach!!!