Sermon – Revelation 2 – Pergamum

  • We are in week 3 of our 7-week journey learning about the Churches in Revelation 2-3.

  • During the first week, we looked at Ephesus.  They had worked hard, endured patiently, did not tolerate evil people, and knew how to tell if someone was a true apostle.  But there was a complaint against them; they had lost their first love, and if they didn’t repent their lampstand would be removed.

  • During the second week we looked at Smyrna.  They had no complaints against them, were reminded of their spiritual richness, and were told that they would receive the crown of life for remaining faithful.

  • The week, we will be in Revelation 2:12-17, and will be looking at the Church in Pergamum.

  • It has been said that the city of Pergamum once rivaled Alexandria, Ephesus, and Antioch in culture, commerce, science, and medicine; it had a large theater and a grand library only rivaled by Alexandria.  It was by most accounts a grand metropolis. 

  • That sounds great doesn’t it, but it wasn’t all good, especially for Christians as they were surrounded by all things pagan.  It was the political center of Asia Minor and the center of state religion and paganism.  The city was home to the Temple of Zeus, Temple of Athena, Temple of Trajan, and had a Great Altar; and from our reading we will see that it was called the city where Satan had his throne and Satan’s city.

  • This city was centered around pleasure and self-gain.  The people there wanted to be blessed by the gods for better jobs, happiness, wealth, stuff, and whatever would make them happy.  Does that sound familiar? 

  • NLT … (12) Write this letter to the angel of the church in Pergamum.  This is the message from the one with the sharp two-edged sword: (13) “I know that you live in the city where Satan has his throne, yet you have remained loyal to me.  You refused to deny me even when Antipas, my faithful witness, was martyred among you there in Satan’s city.  (14) But I have a few complaints against you.  You tolerate some among you whose teaching is like that of Balaam, who showed Balak how to trip up the people of Israel.  He taught them to sin by eating food offered to idols and by committing sexual sin.  (15) In a similar way, you have some Nicolaitans among you who follow the same teaching.  (16) Repent of your sin, or I will come to you suddenly and fight against them with the sword of my mouth.  (17) Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.  To everyone who is victorious I will give some of the manna that has been hidden away in heaven.  And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.

  • This letter is from the one with sharp two-edged sword; and we know that is Jesus.  In Revelation 1:16, we can read that this sword comes from His mouth.  He will fight with it according to Revelation 2:16; and in Revelation 19:15 there is a sharp sword that comes out of the mouth of the rider on the White Horse, which strikes down the nations.
  • Hebrews 4:12 (NLT), says, “The Word of God is alive and powerful.  It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow.  It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. 

  • When exposed to the Word of God, there really is only two options a person has.  They can accept the Word for what it is – TRUTH – and change, repent, live by it, and share it with others … or … they will ignore it, hate it, and fight against it. 

  • The Church in that city had remained loyal to Jesus.  They did not denied Him, even though one of their own was killed; and perhaps others may have been persecuted or tempted.  They remained faithful, even though they were surrounded by pagans and even lived in Satan’s city.

  • Just like Jesus calling the Pharisees, “white-washed tombs,” this city looked nice on the outside, but inside it was corrupt, wicked, and pagan.  Bliss and wealth and beauty does not also mean that God is behind it or approves of it. 

  • Satan had influence in this city; based on the fact there were three major pagan temples and a great altar.  The Church there, however, did not deny Jesus and did not turn to worship the devil or those pagan gods or the emperor. 

  • However, there were some associated with the Church that tolerated the teachings of Balaam, Balak, and the Nicolaitans; and even taught like them.  Poor teaching leads to poor morals.  If we teach wrong (and not right) and allow others to teach wrong, then we won’t all make it to Heaven;

  • Sadly, many churches want to make things too comfortable or don’t want to offend.  They may teach half-truths or don’t teach everything about God in order to get more people in the doors – they may have large(r) numbers, but are spiritually weak or perhaps dead.  They may focus on grace and love; but shy away from wrath, judgment, the need to repent, or living holy lives.

  • If we stick to the truth of Scripture, declare it, promote it, and live it; then yes, those living in sin – those who prefer that over repentance, salvation, and holiness will claim to be “offended” and not like what we are or who we serve.  But we shouldn’t change just to be accepted by the world or so more pews will be filled or so people won’t leave to hear an ear-tickling message.

  • What was the teaching of Balak, Balaam, and the Nicolaitans?  Simply put, it was sexual sin, pagan worship, and offering sacrifices to pagan gods.  In Numbers 22-24, the King of Moab – Balak – hired the sorcerer Balaam to curse Israel.  This king was afraid of the Israelites because of their size and the stories he heard about their God.  Initially Balaam refused to obey Balak, but eventually was allowed to go by God, but could only say what God allowed him too. 

  • Also contained in those passage is the story of the talking donkey.  Ultimately, Balaam made it to Balak, but still could only do what God told him.  To make a long story short, Balaam blessed Israel three times instead of cursing them; and he told Balak what would become of his people. 

  • Since Balak couldn’t get anyone to curse Israel, he resorted to trickery and deceit; and used Israel’s weakness to wander to his advantage and would have God curse them Himself. 
  • In Numbers 25, some of the Israelite men were seduced by Moabite women, to attend sacrifices to pagan gods, to worship them, and join Baal (of Peor), so, the LORD was angry and in the end 24,000 people died; and afterwards the LORD commanded them to attack and destroy the Midianites because of their deceit and tricks; and Balaam was also killed according to Numbers 31:8. 

  • As mentioned when we were looking at the Church in Ephesus,  the Nicolatians were also sexually immoral; and didn’t think you had to completely divorce the world to be a Christian … you just had to “add Jesus” to your life – He didn’t have to be the center of your life or your Lord.
  • That lie, deceit, and trickery still exists today.  There are way too many that claim Jesus as Savior, but refuse to have Him be their Lord.  They want fire insurance, but refuse to repent of sins, live a changed life, be an active part of a local church, and basically do nothing for God’s Kingdom.

  • If Satan cannot attack the Church from outside, then he will do whatever he can to attack it from within.  He will introduce false teachings or at least half-truths, that will still lead people away from Jesus.  If he can’t curse us, he will try to get God to not bless us, or even curse us Himself.

  • Satan knows how to exploit weaknesses; and he knows that if he can’t destroy the Church or a particular local Church in one swoop, then he will try to pick it apart.  If he can’t stop us all, then he will try to stop individuals by targeting our holiness – our sanctification –  our walk with God.

  • The whole Church was told to repent of teaching or tolerating falsehoods … and if they didn’t Jesus would come to them suddenly and wage war against those who were doing wrong and tolerating the wrong things.  You are not going to defeat Jesus in any argument, debate, or battle.  He is to followed 100% of the time in all matters.  Otherwise, we will face chastisement, and also risk judgment, condemnation, and ultimately damnation if we do not repent and serve Him fully. 

  • Jesus closes this message with another warning for the listeners to pay attention to the Holy Spirit; and we need to do the same, otherwise we are sinning by ignoring His leading to go, do, or speak.
  • To those who are conquerors, overcomers, or victorious – depending on your translation – they would receive hidden manna.  How would they be victorious? … It would be by trusting in and faithful to Jesus; and not going back to pagan / sinful lives; and abstaining from pagan offerings and worship.  They would receive heavenly food, in part, by not offering pagan gods earthly food. 

  • They would also be given a white stone – which in ancient times votes were cast with stones – a black one meant guilty and a white one was full public absolution.  The new name was a great honor … Abram became Abraham … Jacob became Israel … who knows what our stones will say?

  • We must also overcome; and how we do that, well, like every other faithful believer … we endure … we remain faithful … we follow the teachings of Scripture … we cling to Jesus and His blood.  We can’t expect blessings – and possibly even salvation – if we refuse God and what we wants us to … repent; study the Bible; pray; worship (Him alone); give; serve; do right; avoid wrong; share the Gospel; be faithful to the Church and a local one; bear spiritual fruit; be shining lights … (and don’t get me wrong … these “works” don’t save us – they are just proof that we are; and are remaining faithful and being victorious and obeying.  Remember, Jesus told multiple church to do good deeds.