Sermon – Revelation 3 – Laodicea

  • Today, we will conclude our look at the seven Churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3:
    • Ephesus                careless                                   Jesus knows their works
    • Smyrna                  crushed, but crowned            Jesus knows their worries
    • Pergamum            compromising                        Jesus knows their whereabouts
    • Thyatira                corrupt                                    Jesus knows the woman there        
    • Sardis                    crippled                                  Jesus knows their withering
    • Philadelphia         committed                              Jesus knows their weakness
    • Laodicea               complacent                             Jesus knows their wretchedness

  • The Laodicean Church may be most known about due to the visuals … being lukewarm … being spued out of Jesus’ mouth … not recognizing their horrible condition … thinking they are good enough on their own … and Jesus standing at the door and knocking and knocking and wanting the church to open the door and share a meal.

  • The city of Laodicea was located in the Lycus valley, about 45 miles SE of Philadelphia and about 100 miles E of Ephesus.  It was a wealthy city, that even refused imperial help after an earthquake destroyed the city.  It was also known for its medical school which produced an ointment used for eye defects.  They had a market which sold fine goods, including wool garments.  It is even said that this city was a retirement location; and those that lived there thought they had served their purposed or reached their goal – and were indifferent on social issues.  And then they had their water system, which brought hot mineral water from Hierapolis; and cold water from Colossae.

  • Revelation 3:14-22 (NLT) … (14) Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea.  This is the message from the one who is the Amen – the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s new creation: (15) I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold.  I wish that you were one or the other!  (16) But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!  (17) You say, “I am rich.  I have everything I want.  I don’t need a thing!  And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.  (18)  So I advise you to buy gold from me – gold that has been purified by fire.  Then you will be rich.  Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.  (19) I correct and discipline everyone I love.  So be diligent and turn from your indifference.  (20) Look!  I stand at the door and knock.  If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.  (21) Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.  (22) Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.

  • The letter to the Church in Laodicea is from THE AMEN – the faithful and true witness.
  • Amen is transliterated from Hebrew into both Greek and English; and is associated with the ideas of truth / reality and faithfulness / reliability.  When God says “amen” it means it is and shall be so – affirming the truth and reliability of what He said.  When man says “amen” they mean so let it be and confirms their agreement with what was said.

  • Have you come across passages that being with “truly, truly,” or “verily, verily?”  If so, that is Amen, Amen being translated; and when Jesus used it, He wanted His listeners to pay close attention.  Remember, Jesus spoke with power and authority.

  • Have you ever had an idea, but did not think anyone would listen because you did not have the clout?  Have you listened to a speaker or read a book where someone with more experience or education is quoted to get you to believe a certain thing?  I am sure we all have, but here, Jesus is speaking on His own behalf – as the ultimate source of truth.

  • Jesus also says He is the and depending on your translation – the beginning, source, or ruler of God’s creation.  All three of those are possible definitions of the Greek word “arche.”

  • Jesus is faithful, sovereignty, and has all the power … we would best to not forget that.

  • While looking at the other Churches, we would read about something they were commended for, and then a “but I have this against you,” … Here, the Church in Laodicea is not commended at all.  The entire letter is a complaint and call to repentance.

  • Just like with previous Churches, Jesus knows the deeds of this congregation as well; and He knows they are apathetic.  They just do not care.  Is that the philosophy of this congregation or anyone of us?  Is this the American Church?  Is this the Western Church?  Do we not care what happens, to either ourselves or our communities?  Is this the Church (or individual believers) that would rather watch TV than pray or study?  Is it the Church (or individual believers that have no problem sitting through a 3-hour ballgame, but an hour-long service or study is too to ask; or not something they have time for?  It is the Church and individuals that have their priorities out of line; and have lost sight of what God has done for them and what He wants to do for them and through them … that is true.

  • Jesus says they are lukewarm … they are too hot to be considered cold … they are too cold to be considered hot … they have no zeal, no passion, no enthusiasm … they may even seem bored with God and His Church … they may not care about sanctification or personal holiness … they may have no concern for others or want to serve … they lack a hunger for biblical knowledge … even going through the motions is done without fervor … prayers have no power … songs are barely sung … nothing is sacrificed … nothing is gained … and the outside world sees this and you can’t blame them for not wanting to join …

  • Since they have no passion, no zeal, no fire; Jesus is going to spit them out of His mouth … but if you go to the Greek, the word “emeo” means to vomit … that’s the disgust that the Lord has for this congregation; and I believe it is the same sentiment that will be given to those He tells to depart because He does not know them … heed my words, my friends … do not be vomited out … do the right things for the right reasons and for the right outcomes.

  • Being HOT or COLD would have been a good thing.  The cold water from Colossae would have been good for drinking, cooking, or cleaning.  The hot water from Hierapolis was used to clean wool or set the dyes; and the residents of Laodicea may have even gone to Hierapolis to sit in the hot mineral baths and be refreshed. 

  • I’ve also read that the ancient Greeks liked their wine either HOT or COLD; and offering someone a lukewarm drink was an insult and would have been spit out.  The wine would have been placed in a hot water bath to be heated; or in a cold-water bath or snow to cool.

  • The COLD Christian could be seen as someone that helps people or meets needs.  The HOT Christian could be seen as someone who doesn’t fade and brings healing to people by praying for them and leading them to Christ.  Someone that is lukewarm doesn’t care about anyone else’s physical or spiritual needs. 

  • This Church is rebuked because they no longer cared about or relied on God.  Their gold, wool, and ointment would sustain them … their own riches were enough … they had made idols and were storing up treasures on earth, not in heaven.

  • They were blind to their true condition, which was wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.  They thought they had it all figured out and could do everything on their own.  Let’s not be like that.  Let’s have the right perspectives and attitudes.  Let’s not allow fame or greed or pride or stuff or money come before God … let’s use what we’ve been given to help others; and not just horde it or lord it over anyone.

  • Those in Laodicea thought they were rich, but Jesus says He offers true riches; and wants them to purchase gold from Him.  1st Peter 1:5-9 compares faith with refined gold.  This church needed to repent of their trust in worldly things and place that trust in Jesus.

  • Jesus’ gold would be free from impurities – nothing but pure gold.  A physical fire can burn away the impurities or allow them to be separated.  A spiritual fire burns away the impurities from the world and cleanses us for the Lord’s work.

  • Fine woolen garments were sold in Laodicea, but Jesus tells the church they need clothes.  The wool was dyed dark, but Jesus would be providing white garments which represents purity, righteousness, or wisdom … the Bride will white robes washed in Jesus’ blood. ents. 
  • Even though the medical school in the city produced the best ointment, Jesus says they are blind.  If they purchase His ointment, they will be able to see.  They will no longer be blind to sin and their wretched spiritual condition.  They will be able to see clearly and realize that Satan had them blinded and headed toward death and destruction.

  • Verse 19 says that Jesus rebukes or corrects or disciplines those He loves; so if you are convicted, then take that as a sign that Jesus loves you and wants better for you.  It is never pleasant to be disciplined, but once on the other side we are better off; and it is better to be given another chance here, when we have the opportunity to repent, then to die apart from Jesus and be punished for eternity.

  • If this church or any individual is indifferent, lukewarm, doesn’t care … then change and change right now … have your focus be on Jesus and what you can do for His kingdom and others …

  • Jesus is standing at the door and is knocking.   He isn’t barging in.  He isn’t demanding to be let in.  He is a gentleman.  He doesn’t force Himself or His ways on you; but His ways are best and we would be wise to follow them.

  • If you let Him in … if you follow Him … if you obey Him … if you give up what He asks … then you will share a meal; and this just isn’t an ordinary dinner … I believe it refers to the great banquet of the Lamb … the eternal wedding feast. 

  • If we are victorious, we will reign with Christ, just as He reigns with God the Father. 

  • We have ears and we have heard the Word this morning.  It is up to us to act accordingly.  If we need to change, then we should.  If we refuse, if we are stiff-necked, then our own detriment is coming.

  • Being lukewarm doesn’t happen in one day; and the flip side is just as true … we don’t become pray warriors or bible scholars quickly either … it is a process … becoming lukewarm may start with missing a service here or there and then before you know it, you never go … or you miss a few days of prayers and then before you know it, you never pray … or the same with bible reading or giving or serving … it’s a gradual process where other things are put before God …

  • To come out is the same … allow God to lead and prune … allow Him to sanctify you … take each day at a time and put God first and seek His Will in each and every thing.  Build that hunger and passion.  Be HOT (or COLD) for the LORD!