Sermon – Revelation 3 – Sardis

  • This week, our study takes us to Sardis; then we two more stops before focusing on Easter.
  • Sardis was linked by highways to Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum.  It was the capital of the ancient Lydian empire.  Sardis was a citadel and place of refuge; 1,500 feet above the plain it rested.  When Rome took over, it was the second home to emperor worship, as well as the worship of other false gods, such as Cybele (the mother god), Zeus, Apollo, and Artemis.
  • Read Revelation 3:1-6
  • Just like the messages to the other Churches, Jesus starts out with a description of Himself. We are told that He has the sevenfold Spirits of God and the seven stars.
  • The biblical number “7” stands for completeness and perfection; and could mean:
  • 1 … They are symbolic of the Holy Spirit … if this is the case, then it is not 7 different spirits, but the complete and perfect Holy Spirit.
  • 2 … It refers to seven angelic beings, perhaps the seraphim and/or cherubim … Revelation does mention angelic beings in several places.
  • 3 … It could refer to Isaiah 11:2 (NLT), which says, “And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on him – the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.
  • In Revelation 1:16, we are also told in John’s vision of the Son of Man, that this person held seven stars.  
  • This message is pretty much just a complaint, with a little acknowledgement at the end of those who have not done evil. 
  • Jesus says He knows all that they do.  The Greek word here is “ergon” and can mean anything done, or to be done; a deed, work, action, activity, task, or job.  
  • Jesus also knows everything we have done – or not done … and our motives behind doing a certain thing or why we refused to do it.
  • Jesus cuts right to the chase and doesn’t pull any punches.  He says they have the reputation for being alive, but are dead.
  • The Greek word used here (“onoma”) can mean name, title, or reputation.  They had – in the past – made a name for themselves and were known to be alive and well.  When someone heard about this Church, the thought of life or productivity came to mind.
  • However, since Jesus knows the whole truth, sees the entire picture, and His Word cuts to the innermost … He knows that they are really dead.
  • The Greek word used here (“nekros”) can mean dead (physically or figuratively); a corpse; without life; dead to a thing; no longer devoted to, or under the influence of a person or thing; dead in respect of fruitlessness; morally/spiritually dead; or alienated from God.
  • They looked good on the outside, but were dead inside.  They were whitewashed tombs.  They looked the part and may have fooled people, but Jesus knew the truth of their hearts.
  • Let’s bring that closer to home.  Are we resting on the past things we used to do?  When people hear about us, what comes to mind?  Is it about our past – what we used to do; and perhaps those people think we still do those things – much like the Church in Sardis … a reputation of life, but none exists?  Is it about our present – what we are currently doing?  Is it about our future – and does anyone want to come alongside us and serve?
  • When you think about your church … do you focus on and miss the past; are you content with the now and are doing enough; or do you want more for the future?
  • Verse 2 in many English translations begins with “wake up,” but other versions say to be watchful, be alert, to be awake, to be constantly alert … and then to strengthen or make stronger whatever is left or remains.
  • It also says the remaining amount is barely alive – whatever remains is approaching death – it doesn’t have long unless something changes and changes quick.
  • Jesus says their works are not completed/full/perfect in the sight or presence of God … so what does that mean? … and of course there are a few theories and more than one could be correct or applied to them (or even us).
  • 1 … Did they just want fire insurance? … Just do the bare minimum, if there is such a thing, to escape Hell, but not really care about and lift a finger for the Kingdom.
  • 2 … Were their hearts not into the whole “church thing” anymore? … perhaps they too lost their first love or were also lukewarm … one we’ve read about and the other is soon.
  • 3 … Did they only want man’s applause and to look good? … were they only going through the motions?
  • Regardless of which of those theories are correct – or maybe they are all wrong and something else is right … Jesus calls them out and tells them what they must do in verse 3.
  • They were told to remember – which is to think back to a particular time …  
    • “mnemoneuo” … remember – recollect – call to mind – fix their thoughts upon.
  • They were to remember what they received (or seized) and what they heard and obeyed …
    • “lamgano” … take up – seize – put on – lay hold of – receive 
    • “akouo” … hear – listen to – heed – obey – understand – take in and admit to
  • They were told to obey or protect or guard or observe the Gospel.
    • “tereo” … keep watch – protect – guard – observe – keep strictly – store up – reserve – keep in custody – maintain 
  • They were also told to repent or reform … because they knew the truth!
    • “metanoeo” … repent – reform – to undergo a change in frame of mind and feeling, to make a change of principle and practice
  • Jesus gives a dire warning – if they did not wake up – if they were not alert or on guard or vigilant, then He would come as a thief  … this is similar to what is recorded in Matthew 24-25 about the need to be alert and attentive because the day and hour of His return is unknown to man … so we must be ready at all times, for He could return at any time.
  • He would come against them … those who die in their sin … those who die as an enemy of God … those who have forgotten their first love … those who are lukewarm … those who are fruitless will have Jesus fighting against them … PLEASE DON’T BE ONE OF THOSE!
  • We all must take salvation seriously.  There is only One Way to God the Father!  There is only One Way to Heaven!  There is only One Way to eternal life.  That Is Jesus Christ.  
  • But this entire message isn’t all doom and gloom.  There were a few, according to verse 4, that hadn’t soiled their garments. There were a few that didn’t fall away, grow cold, forget the truth, or worship the false gods.  They overcame and are called worthy.  
  • They would be given white clothes to wear … it would be a symbol of who they are and what they’ve done – overcome.  Ephesians 5:27 says the clothes would be without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. Revelation 19:8, says the Bride was granted the finest linen, clean and bright, and represents the righteous acts of the saints.  
  • Their name would not be blotted out from the Book of Life and they would be acknowledged before God the Father and His angels.
  • If we want our names to remain in the book of life, then we must also overcome sin, but we can’t do that on our own.  We must follow the ABC’s … Admit we are a sinner and need a Savior … Believe in Jesus – that He is real, the Messiah, and our only hope … Confess our sins and confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior … of course, that is just the beginning of a lifelong walk … we must faithfully endure … again, not lose our 1stlove or be lukewarm.
  • Like the other letters to the Churches end … We must listen to Spirit … we must obey … we must be faithful.  Don’t just pay God lip service, but be sincere in your commitment to Him.